The Tidal Series is an ongoing series inspired by fluid dynamics and the structure of water. The series began in 2012 with an oil on canvas painting and has since moved to sculptural media like limestone, stainless steel and acrylic. In 2018, Tidal Skeleton was selected for exhibition in the Venice Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.
Tidal Skeleton portrays the skeletal structure of water through a quarried slab of limestone paired with the pattern of the sun’s reflection on water cut out of clear acrylic. The weight of the solid, opaque stone is juxtaposed with the glass-like clear acrylic. Limestone, especially Keystone limestone from the Pleistocene age is composed of the sediment from skeletal fragments of marine organisms. It is a porous rock full of residual fossils defined over time and space. Clear acrylic is transparent but a solid plastic material. The contrast of pervious and impervious materials was important for a work that represents fluid dynamics, which affects both the formation and deterioration of matter.
Images as they appear:
1 Black Tide Sequence acrylic, silver engraving, 84”L x 12”H x 2”D
2 Black Tide, seq. 7 acrylic, silver engraving 36 x 36 x 2”
3 Tidal Axis in acrylic variations 1 & 2
4 Black Water, acrylic 14.5 x 19.5 x .4”
5,6 Black Water in Moonlight, acrylic 14.5 x 19.5”
7 Tidal Axis 2021, stainless steel 52 x 30 x 30”
8,9. Tidal Skeleton 2018, limestone, acrylic 56 x 21 x 6”
10 wave 2015, stainless steel 19 x 23 x .188”
11,12 Tidal Skeleton 2012 oil on canvas 36 x 42 x 2”