The Earthshine series visualizes the sun’s rays reflecting off the earth to mark its significance in art, life, and death. Light is key to life on earth while in the age of the Anthropocene, light shows its destructive potential. Earthshine joins the history of art that portrays sun rays as a symbol of life, energy, and enlightenment.
1 Earthshine, Refract 2024 stainless steel, brass 86 x 24 x 24”
2. Earthshine, Hotspot 2022 Installed at the Oeno Gallery Sculpture Garden, stainless steel, brass 118 x 60 x 32” Photo: Oeno Gallery
3. Earthshine, Specular 2021 installed at the Oeno Gallery Sculpture Garden, stainless steel, brass 83 H x 48 W x 16 D inches Photos courtesy of Oeno Gallery
4. Earthshine model 2021 brass on black soapstone base 9.5” H x 5.5”W x 5”D